Transformative sanitation
services for booming cities

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Urban Sanitation

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The Fresh Life

Impact & Growth


Fresh Life works with municipalities and urban residents to develop and scale safe, citywide inclusive and financially sustainable sanitation solutions in fast growing cities starting with Nairobi, Kisumu and Eldoret in Kenya.

Our innovative solutions are designed to suit the realities of today’s cities, which are densely populated and heavily built up, particularly in low-income areas. 


Building safe, healthy,
prosperous communities
and cities sustainably

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, which require that sanitation waste is contained, removed and managed safely, Fresh Life supports cities to deliver all of these services to residents cost-effectively and sustainably.

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Urban residents with safely managed sanitation every day
Sanitation waste safely removed annually
Cities served with safely managed sanitation
Direct jobs created


Let’s deliver safe sanitation
to everyone, everywhere

Safely managed sanitation is a fundamental necessity for a healthy, dignified life and for environmental protection. Every dollar invested yields a 5.5x social return on investment in reduced health expenses, more productivity, and fewer premature deaths.